Warm again.  About 40 overnight.  Started out sunny.  Up to 60.  Clouds rolled in around 11:00 AM and the temperature dropped to mid-50s.

Into the woods at 8:00 AM.  Back to the farmhouse by 3:15 PM.  Could have been back sooner but worked on getting a 4th batch of syrup off the evaporator.    It was close enough that we didn’t want to leave it and risk it getting to density as it simmered.  That happened last year and we ruined a batch when it crystallized.  Had too slow down firing so as not to burn it.  We were able to get a small batch off.

This syrup has a stronger aroma and is darker in color.  That’s normal.  And some people like the darker syrup or use it for cooking.  The delicate maple flavor will get overwhelmed in cooking with other ingredients. Up to now our syrup was a nice medium amber.  The R/O helps make lighter grades because we can process the sap quicker.