25 overnight.  That was unexpected.  Sunny and warm today.  Up to 60.  The trees gave a small last run.   The sap is not sweet: 1.4 °Bx which is 60:1.  Picked up 230 gallons which will boil down to just under 4 gallons of syrup.  It will likely be darker too, but that’s okay as people like the dark syrup for cooking.

When we emptied the pail we did not replace it on the spout.  Instead we turned it over and set it on the ground to drain and dry.   The pail stays by the tree so we know how many spouts are on the tree.  If we moved the pail its likely we’ll miss a spout and the spout stays in the tree until we notice it while tapping next spring.  The spout doesn’t hurt the tree, but it delays healing the tap wound.

Tomorrow we’ll cook.  Then we get into cleanup mode.  We have enough time this year for cleanup so it won’t be rushed.

Tomorrow is also warm: high 50s.  Then rain is forecast for next week.