Into the woods by Noon to get syrup heating on the finishing pan. We had four milk cans of syrup and needed to try to bottle. One milk can had finished syrup that we twice abandoned bottling because it wouldn’t go through the filter press or it was cloudy while bottling. That was can was our goal. Since it was already at proper density we had to blend in sap so we did not get over dense which causes crystallization in the bottles. Did not add filter aid either because the syrup already had filter aid mixed in.

Syrup was ready by 1:15 PM. Brought fresh filter papers from the farmhouse to eliminate the chance the papers in the woods had absorbed moisture from the steam generated during cooking. The papers were stored an unsealed plastic bag, not a sealed container. They could have absorbed moisture.

Filtered the entire batch using only one hand on the pump. That’s how it should go. The next test was getting through the bottling pan without turning cloudy. Monitored closely while filling and every bottle was clear. A big sigh of relief.

The variables were fresh filter papers and less filter aid. We’ll need to evaluate the amount of filter aid. The composition of syrup this season may just need less.

Cold overnight 25. Sunny and 36, but didn’t start melting until after Noon again. While the air temperature was 36, the ground temperature was colder. Tree pressure did reach 15 PSI so sap is moving in the trees.

Back to the farmhouse by 4:00 PM.