Problems again bottling today. Monitored temperatures closely. Started the hand pump for filtering as soon as the filter aid was mixed in to minimize temperature drop off. The hand pump again got very difficult to use halfway through the batch. Abandoned filtering with 2 gallons remaining.

Bottling started okay. Watched temperate carefully to hold between 195° and 200°. The first 6 or 8 bottles were clear but then started getting a little cloudy. After filling 12 bottles it was too cloudy and we abandoned bottling again.

Called our equipment dealer to discuss. They are sending a different type of filter aid (diatomaceous earth.) Apparently different brands are made slightly differently with respect to particle size etc. It causes a different chemical reaction with the syrup.

We are also tying a hot wash of the waffle plates from the filter press. There are small holes in the plates. Its possible sugar built up in the holes and blocks some of the syrup. We’ve had the filter press for 19 years. It seems sugar build up would have impacted it years ago. We have to find a solution. This is frustrating.

35 overnight. Cloudy with drizzle and 40 during the day.