The Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association (WMSPA) held a First Tapping even to kick off Maple Month in Wisconsin. It was held at a neighbor’s sugarbush call In The Woods Sugarbush at 10:00 AM. Alice In Dairyland and Governor Tony Evers attended too. There were about 30 people and we got to meet and chat with the Governor.

Governor Evers and Sugarmaster

Didn’t get into the woods until 12:15 PM. One batch into the milk can. 10.5” remain in the tank to cook out tomorrow.

Shout out of thanks to cousin David . He came this afternoon to install the replacement pump on the R/O. He connected the electrical and re-did the hose connections to the pump because the new pump has different fittings. It was a nice to hear it start up. We ran 200 gallons of water through to prepare the membrane. He also connected the propane tank and changed a valve handle. Very nice to have this all done.

17 overnight. Sunny and 40 today. Not as warm as forecast. Trees dripping this afternoon. We plan to collect tomorrow.

Back to the farmhouse by 6:15 PM