21 overnight.  38 and sunny.  The forecast called for partly cloudy today.  With the exception of a short period around sunrise, it was clear all day.  With no wind today’s 38 felt warmer then yesterday’s 38.

We were concerned the buckets would be full of ice from yesterday’s run.  The trees dripped into the late evening before freezing.  That frequently causes big ice chunks.  By 10:00 AM it was above freezing.  The sun did its magic and melted the bucket ice.  By 11:00 the trees were dripping.   PSI rose to 15.

We when out collecting at 3:00 PM.  Took sips of sap from several buckets to quench our thirst.  Picked up 410 gallons.  Still had problems with our new pump.  We think now the extension cord is bad restricting the voltage the pump needs to start.    After collecting we tried the pump on different outlets and it worked.

Cook tomorrow.  Forecast is 23 overnight and 40 tomorrow.  Hoping we can collect on Tuesday again.