Down to about 26 last night.  By 8:00 AM it was already 36 and warming.   It reached the highs 40s this afternoon.  It was sunny most of the day.   Much snow melted.  

The trees were slow to wake up.  We checked around 11:30 AM.  The sap was dripping slowly.  That -3 temperature the other night seems to have caused the trees to go semi-dormant.  By late in the day they were responding.  They will likely drip all night as its forecast to remain above freezing.     Our plan is to collect tomorrow.   It will be even warmer tomorrow with rain possible late in the day.

We were to the printer this afternoon to order labels.   The shipping company called to let us know our bottles will arrive tomorrow.  And the R/O manufacturer called to confirm the R/O is now on its way to Wisconsin.