We are getting a snow storm with 6”-10” of wet heavy snow. Its 31 so its a fine line between snow and rain. It is snow so it must be colder in the clouds. At 1:30 PM the precipitation started. It was light rain then. By 2:30 PM it was snow. By 3:00 PM the snow was sticking to the ground and accumulating. Its forecast to snow hard until around Mid-Night then tapper off.
Into the woods by 8:15 AM to cook. Around Noon made a water run with the tractor. Filled three milk cans with water. Then tucked the tractor in for the snow storm. Also pumped the collecting tank into the storage tank. Worked all day on getting wood from the woodshed into the syrup building so we would not have to walk outside as much during the storm.
By 4:00 PM it was snowing pretty good. But we were snug and cozy in the syrup building. We had everything battened down for the storm. We had a supply of wood already in the building. The steam from the evaporator keeps the building warm. We just cooked away. Took three batches off the evaporator and into the milk can. One milk can is now full and we are starting a second. We are hoping to bottle tomorrow if we can get help. And we will need bottles soon. We were waiting to ship the bottle order at the same time as the R/O. But with the R/O delay we have to have the bottles shipped now.
Back at the house by 7:45 PM. The big tank has about 6”. The smaller tank is full. Tomorrow night is forecast to go down to 15 so we want to cook until all tanks are empty tomorrow.
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