It was in the 50s and cloudy today.   It did not rain.  Only a few sprinkles.  The sun tried to come out around 1:00 PM, but soon gave up.  Around 6:00 PM the warm air hitting the cold snow caused the mist to raise from the snow.  You are seeing the snow melt.  Eerie and pretty.

Into the woods by 8:30 AM.  Cleaned the front syrup pan on the evaporator before starting boiling for the day.   Got a batch of syrup off the evaporator around 1:00 PM.  Bottled that plus two batches from yesterday for 26 quarts, 1 pint.  Had trouble with LP gas burner today: it was not burning at full strength.   We know the tank we are using will empty soon, so we thought it was just running low.  Nope.  Turned out the valve was not open all the way.  Oops.

Here is how the day’s boiling went.

A full tank is 23 inches and 225 gallons.

10:00 AM  22 ¼
11:00 AM  20 ½
12:00 PM  19
1:00 PM  16 ¾
2:00 PM  14 ½
3:00 PM  12 ½
4:00 PM  10 ½
5:20 PM   8 ¼
6:00 PM   7 ½
7:00 PM   5 ¼
8:00 PM   4
9:00 PM   2 ¼
9:30 PM  empty

We still have the small tank of 175 gallons to cook down tomorrow.   No new sap because of the warm weather.