Into the woods by 6:45 AM. 150 more taps by Noon. 30 more taps in the afternoon. 380 now. Plan for 30 more tomorrow using the sap-sak bags.

Had the evaporator repaired. It needed a weld on the back right side where the side joins the stack plate. It’s load bearing and a broken weld caused the evaporator to separate which increased the width so the pan no longer set on the support rails. It could have been quite the disaster to collapse while cooking.

Broken and repaired evaporator weld
Broken And Repaired Evaporator Weld

Cloudy and low 40s. Light freeze overnight. Some dripping, but the frost is still deep. This weekend it cools with more favorable sap weather. 40s without freezing nights isn’t the weather pattern we need.

Back to the farmhouse by 6:00 PM. Tomorrow work on equipment setup.