When the warm air hits the cold snow a foggy mist forms as the snow melts.  It rises from the snow in the woods and looks almost ghostly.  It was rainy and warm today.  Up to 47.  Last year at this time were we fighting with the cold. 

Into the woods by 7:30 AM to start boiling.   By 10:30 AM a batch was ready to come off the evaporator.  Added it to the batch from Monday.    Then we finished and bottled.  25 more quarts.  Up to 62 quarts total now.    Took one more batch off the evaporator about 6:30 PM.   Watched carefully so the batch would be ready but there would still be enough sap to shutdown the evaporator but still empty the storage tanks. 

The forecast is still warm and rainy.   That is disappointing for maple syrup makers.