Into the woods by 6:45 AM to cook. Getting this cook right makes finishing up easier. Three batches into the milk can. Then simmer until we have a very low level of sap left in the evaporator. Looks like we nailed it. Should have less than 20 gallons to cook. This goes into the milk cans. The big flu pan is filled with water and cleaning solution while using the syrup pan to finish.
The day cooking.
8:00 AM 8 ¼”
8:45 AM batch
9:00 AM 6 ¼”
10:00 AM 4 ½”
10:35 AM batch
11:00 AM 2 ¾”
11:30 AM 1 ¾”
11:50 AM batch
12:00 PM ½”
1:00 PM done simmering to low level in evaporator
Running another wash cycle on the R/O even though we didn’t use the R/O today. This is to prepare the membrane for the off-season. We’ll again send the membranes to professional cleaning.
As forecast, it started raining this afternoon.
Back to the farmhouse by 1:15 PM.