Into the woods by 7:30 AM to get a milk can on the finishing pan. Bottled 8 gallons. Done by 10:30 AM.
24 overnight. Sunny and 50 today. Trees dripped. There was already sap in the buckets from the other day. We collect that day at 4:00 PM but the trees continued to drip into the night. It warmed quickly so the trees added sap to the buckets.
Into the woods by 2:30 PM to collect. Picked up190 gallons.
But the sap is 1.25 Brix. That’s a 69:1 ratio. With the R/O we can cook it, but it’s reaching the point were it’s not feasible. The weather pattern looks favorable for sap but with low Brix the season may end. We already have an above average crop so ending wouldn’t be bad. February weather was also favorable for sap and sap was moving in the trees. It’s likely the sugar moved in those runs. So even through there are favorable freeze/thaw cycles, there isn’t much sugar left and it’s mostly water moving now.
Back to the farmhouse by 5:00 PM.