Into the woods by 7:15 AM. Emptied the evaporator. 15 gallons of sap to finish. Took off and rinsed all the pans. Filled the flue pan with water and cleaning solution while the front syrup pan cooked the remaining sap. Pumped water from the R/O holding tank in the pans in place of getting a tank of water from the farmhouse. Saved time. Started the evaporator by 11:00 AM. Done by 4:00 PM. Should yield about 3 gallons of finished syrup putting us close to 40 gallons for the season.
Took down the remaining spouts and buckets. Hope to pick them up tomorrow because tomorrow evening an inch of snow is forecast.
The third wash of the membrane left clean water in the wash tank indicting the membrane is clean.
We also bottled 8 gallons and 1 pint. We have 37 gallons bottled so far.
Cold today. Cloudy. Windy. Temperate started at 34. Up to 42 but with the wind it felt colder. Forecast is 24 tonight.
Back to the farmhouse by 4:15 PM.