33 overnight with snow starting around 3:00 AM. 1/2” accumulation. Then changed to rain around 9:00 AM. Cloudy and up to 42. Snow melted.
Into the woods at 2:30 PM to collect. Started and 2:55 PM. Done by 3:25 PM. 205 gallons. Considered collecting yesterday but the trees were still dripping slowly so wanted to get the whole run. If the weather was warmer and sunny we would have collected yesterday to keep the sap fresh. But with cooler weather felt we could wait a day.
With this sap we are at 92% of an average crop. This is based on an historical yield of 1.3 pints/tap.
Cleaned the syrup pan. Ran a rinse cycle on the R/O. Ready to cook in the morning. Back to the farmhouse by 4:30 PM.