A thunderstorm moved though last night starting around 5:00 PM. It’s early in the year for a thunderstorm. Lots of lightning. At 6:00 PM there was a flash of lightning and the electricity went out. Power out until 10:30 PM. Over 1” of rain. Snow settled, but the ground is still frozen and the water collects in small ponds. Thunder over an open woods (no leaves) means more snow will come. And snow is forecast overnight: 1 inch.
Mid 40s today and cloudy. Forecast is high 20s tonight. Colder tomorrow with high about 35 but still cloudy. Tuesday and Wednesday look promising.
The evaporator is patched: a new metal plate welded to the back under the stack. Should get us through a few more years.
Checked the buckets today after the rain. Some had a quart or maybe two. But the sap tested at less then 1 Brix. It was mixed with rain. We dumped it. Get a few start this week.