Out to the woods by 9:00 AM. Started the day by breaking more trails to the west of the building for the tractor. Wow, that was a lot of work. It was warmer and rainy today: upper 30’s with rain sprinkles. So the snow was wet and heavier. We could not drive the tractor through it to break a trail because the snow accumulated under the wheels. Had to use the bucket to take a scoop of snow, back out because there was no place to dump it on this trail, then go back up the trail for the next scoop. There was still enough wet snow under the wheels to make steering difficult. The tractor does not have power steering so you are constantly wrestling with the steering wheel to get it to go where you want, and not where the snow takes it.
Got 25 taps out before lunch. During lunch changed into dry T-shirts. They were not wet from the rain, but rather from sweating. A damp or wet T-shirt or socks or anything when working outside in the cold makes it very uncomfortable.
This afternoon we put our 100 more taps. Actually 99. One bucket fell off the tractor and got run over.
The 5 to 7 day weather forecast looks like cold weather yet. Low 30’s. Tuesday we may get a snow storm.