Arrived at the farmhouse today at 2:00 PM. Arrived at Green Bay airport at 11:00 AM from DC. Waited for ride and stopped for groceries on on the way to the farmhouse.
February was cold with temperatures below 0. Looks like the weather is breaking now. Cloudy and mid-40s today. Got organized to tap 25. Sap is moving, but a fresh tap usually runs because there is now a outlet from the sealed tree.
Scaling back to 100 taps this season. A lot of other life events to take care of that limit our time. This scale back isn’t permanent. 100 taps should yield 15-20 gals of syrup. A big run day will be about 125 gals of sap. Other days 50 galls. Planning to cook old-school without the R/O.
COVID-19 is still with us. Over 500,000 have died. We’ve dodged it so far but continue to be careful. On the flight back, donned an N95 mask, bandana and face shield. Used lots of hand sanitizer too.